01.Analysis of Adsorbates and Interfacial Forces at Metal Oxide Interfaces at Defined Environmental Conditions . A. G. Orive, C. Kunze, B. Torun, T. de los Arcos and G. Grundmeier
02.Understanding and Manipulation of Nanoparticle Contact Forces by Capillary Bridges . Hans-Joachim Schmid, Guido Grundmeier, Michael D?rmann, Alejandro Gonz?lez Orive, Teresa de los Arcos and Boray Torun
03.Microwave Emission During the Impact Compaction of Particle Bed . Sergej Aman, Alexander Aman and Werner Hintz
04.Formation, Deformation, Rolling and Sliding of Particles and Particle Aggregates: Mechanisms and Applications . Laurent Gilson, Jennifer Wenzl, Maxime Paven, Michael Kappl, Hans-J?rgen Butt, Doris Vollmer and G?nter K. Auernhammer
05.Contact Models and DEM Simulation of Micrometer-Sized Particles and Agglomerates at Static Loading Based on Experimental Characterization . Philipp Grohn, Dominik Weis, Ulrich Br?ckel, Stefan Heinrich and Sergiy Antonyuk
06.DEM Analysis of Breakage Behavior of Bicomponent Agglomerates . Maksym Dosta, Matthias Weber, Volker Schmidt and Sergiy Antonyuk
07.Contact Mechanisms in Ultrasound-Agitated Particulate Systems . Claas Knoop, Tobias Wollborn and Udo Fritsching
08.Capillary Interaction in Wet Granular Assemblies: Part 1 . Stephan Herminghaus, Ciro Semprebon and Martin Brinkmann09.Capillary Interaction in Wet Granular Assemblies: Part 2 . Falk K. Wittel, Roman Mani, Konstantin Melnikov, Filippo Bianchi and Hans J. Herrmann
10.Sintering-Pressure- and Temperature-Dependent Contact Models . T. Weinhart, R. Fuchs, T. Staedler, M. Kappl and S. Luding
11. A Contact Model for the Discrete Element Simulations of Aggregated Nanoparticle Films. Valentin Baric, Jens Laube, Samir Salameh, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi and Lutz M?dler
12. Determination of the Adhesion Forces of Magnetic Composite Particles. Johannes Knoll, Frank Rhein and Hermann Nirschl13. Deformation and Friction at the Microscale-From Model Experiments to Process Characterization. Wolfgang Peukert and Stefan Romeis
14. Measurement of the Adhesion Moment of a Particle on a Wall in a Gaseous Environment and Comparison to Simulated Data . Alexander Haarmann and Eberhard Schmidt
15. Nanoindentation Based Colloid Probe Technique: A Unique Opportunity to Study the Mechanical Contact of Individual Micron Sized Particles. Thorsten Staedler, Katharina Diehl, Regina Fuchs, Jan Meyer, Aditya Kumar and Xin Jiang
16. The Importance of Interactions Between Carrier and Drug Particles for the Application in Dry Powder Inhalers . Sarah Zellnitz, Niklas Renner, Yan Cui, Regina Scherlie ,
17. Martin Sommerfeld, Hartwig Steckel and Nora Urbanetz Rapid Impact of Nanoparticles on Surfaces . Alfred Weber, Christian Sch?ner, Manuel Gensch, Alexander Werner and Thorsten P?schel
18. Stochastic Nature of Particle Collisions and its Impact on Granular Material Properties. Nina Gunkelmann, Dan Serero, Aldo Glielmo, Marina Montaine, Michael Heckel and Thorsten P?schel
19. Non-ohmic Properties of Particle Layers in Electrostatic Precipitators. Damian Pieloth, Helmut Wiggers and Peter Walzel
20. Structure of Sheared Cohesive Granular Bulk . Lothar Brendel, Alexander Weuster, Dietrich E. Wolf, Harald Zetzener, Stephan Strege, Lutz Torbahn, Arno Kwade, Lisa Handl and Volker Schmidt
21. Improved Flowability of Ultrafine, Cohesive Glass Particles by Surface Modification Using Hydrophobic Silanes . Zinaida Todorova, Steffi W?nsche and Werner Hin