Immerse yourself in a world created by eight-year-old author Ren Stylian, who introduces the character of Mark Anton: a regular sixth-grade kid who one day gets special powers after eating a mysterious, rotten-looking papaya. Luckily, he gets these powers just in the nick of time as a three-hundred-year-old scientist named Parker tries to take over XtremeTown
Perfect for young minds seeking adventure and creativity, Papaya Man: Robot Blitz encourages readers to drive Mark's destiny. As Mark, you'll discover the answer to these questions and more: are your best friends trapped, or even alive? Is there a robot who nobody in XtremeTown knows about, except for his grandma? And most importantly, will you ever defeat Parker once and for all?
There are many paths to destroy Parker's evil plans, but, you must choose the right ones that get you there. Through it all, as Mark, you'll encounter action, humor, friendship, romance, and lots of robots
Your adventure begins here But be careful- deadly robots are waiting to fight you on every step of your journey