Pain, Failure and Misery are the Stepping Stones to Success is a story of triumph that only pain and misery could bring. It is a story of hope that is offered for our youth, our family and friends who are suffering from chemical dependency, for those who have lost loved ones as they didn't have to die in vain, and for clinicians who are seeking a way to think that may differ from the norm so we can offer tools to save lives. With an average of 7 Americans dying every hour from a drug overdose it is time we stop focusing on the reduction of supply, because it isn't working and focus on demand. It is time we do something and that time is now.
Pain, Failure and Misery are the Stepping Stones to Success is based on the author's personal story which makes the book so powerful! Eric is proof that no matter the circumstances you're in, you CAN become successful. He reminds us that every life matters. I love how Eric learned from every program he was in. His book is filled with honesty, pain, suffering and HOPE. I love the questions to consider as part of the book. He states," The World can Look Different if you Choose." How true is that? Eric most certainly gives a voice to those who died from an overdose. Thank you Eric for the knowledge you share so families can better understand addiction and how they can recover.
Bob Forrest
Counselor on "Celebrity Rehab," Singer, songwriter and frontman for "Thelonious
Monsters," and the "Bicycle Thief."
Jodi Barber
Producer of "Overtaken" and "Overtaken 2: Where are they Now?"