Sleuthing may be hard, but parenting is harder.
Sometimes parenting sucks, especially at the beginning. There's too little sleep and too much butt wiping. Fortunately, new dad Owen O'Shea has a brilliant wife and great friends to help him out. He also has a cozy wingback to sit in and a big window to look out from, two small comforts that make those 3 a.m. feedings a hell of a lot easier ... at least at first. It's during one of those wee-hour feedings when Owen witnesses suspicious activity across the way that seems less idyllic-suburban-cul-de-sac and more daytime-drama-meets-high-intrigue-thriller. His curiosity piqued, Owen decides to do what any calm, responsible parent would: dive recklessly into an investigation that is either wildly off-base or life-threateningly true. Are his neighbors innocent suburbanites or murderous psychopaths? Either way, he's probably screwed.
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