This loss of control is the base of quite a bit of our pressure and overthinking.
Regardless of whether we are thinking about our jobs, our children, our connections, our associates, and the individuals around us, the economy, or our governmental issues, we want to have some degree of power over our lives.
Among the things you will learn in this book:
By tolerating the unusual, unsure, defective, and confusing nature of life, we can start to relinquish the past, let go of plans turned out badly, let go of our story of how life should be, and start enjoying our lives. We should acknowledge that the central control we have is over ourselves.
We should quit overanalyzing, overplanning, or attempting to foresee what will happen tomorrow. We invest so much energy considering the future, which we can't control in any case, that we miss probably the best occasions of our lives, occurring around us at the present time.
Assuming responsibility for ourselves, our objectives, our motivation, our musings, our words, our activities, and how we explore the mayhem these are the things are that are totally inside our control.