The creativity that has resulted in this writing was packaged in a special receptacle that was finally rediscovered after many years of storage. The title came from feelings unearthed as a result of its new makeover. Life is a self-renewing journey packed with thoughts of lost times. The refreshed visualizations that resulted from those lost times brought forth new freedom of discovery. Like walking into an antique store, busily perusing and exploring, feelings mesh with the mindful artifacts or treasures of the past. The passion attached to those artifacts stitches that past into who we are today. To quote Anais Nin, "We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are." Outward Bound is a novel built upon those free-flowing thoughts that are born with youth and somehow remain attached.
In Carl Sagan's best seller, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, it is stated that we are all orphans on the doorstep of time. Ingeniously, the cover depicts a tiny baby naked with flailing arms in a basket next to double doors opening up into a dark universe beyond. As tiny particles of cosmic dust, we thrive past that threshold to realize who we are and grow from the sensory stimulus that we encounter. In this chance experience of life, moments of the past are captured, and those threads are sewn into a trajectory toward the future.
It is the intention of the author of this novel to also knit parts of the fixtures of space and time together into a mosaic that paints the future. The present enters widely into a free-flowing intact world that reunites all the threads resulting from the past, present, and future. These fixtures of time mingle freely throughout the framework of the novel. Love is a special tune that grows boundless in the wilderness of the eucalyptus. In Outward Bound, there is freedom expressed through the setting, the people, the way of life, and the infinite sense of awe that reflects off the Australian sky.