Winner of the 2018 IPPY Gold Medal for Multicultural Fiction; WInner of the 2019 American BookFest Best Book Awards for Fiction-Short Story; 2019 International Book Awards & Best Book Awards Finalist
A Haitian woman survives the ravages of an earthquake only to find her sister, an ?migr? in Montreal, the subject of a grisly crime. A chambermaid in a Mexican tourist resort frequented by Canadian tourists wonders why all the men in her life seem to leave her for distant lands. A Jamaican migrant worker at an Ontario chicken farm comes to the aid of his Peruvian co-worker on the eve of a fatal car accident. And a young Pakistani-Canadian woman finds herself in the midst of a protest march defending Muslim women's rights on the same day she has agreed to meet her Moroccan lover. The diverse cast of characters that energize Mariam Pirbhai's Outside People and Other Stories not only reflects a multicultural Canada but also the ease with which this striking debut collection inhabits the voices and perspectives of nation, hemisphere, and world.