Sean Bulger is a 16-year-old alcoholic from Newfoundland. His life revolves around avoiding his abusive stepfather and sneaking booze wherever and whenever he can. One of his party crashes goes wrong when a group of fellow teens dare him to check out a condemned Russian cruise ship.
Stone drunk and obsessed with the promise of more alcohol, Sean scrambles aboard the ship, and blacks out when the boat is towed from harbour-and soon he's adrift in a ruined ship, looking for fresh water, food, navigational tools, or anything that will help him survive.
When rescue finally comes, it's not who he expected, and Sean gets a first-hand look into the shady worlds of ship-breaking and piracy.
A YA adventure for ages 11 and up, Bill Bunn's latest book will grab your attention and make you feel the waves and the cold sea spray of the North Atlantic.