"I told you I wanted her!"
I stepped closer to Blake, who automatically put a protective arm around my waist and hustled me into the car. I strapped the car seat into the middle of the back seat while Blake hurried to the driver's seat and started the ignition. The other officers hung back. The blond one was yelling into the darkness.
"Why don't you come out and we'll talk?" he suggested.
A red dot appeared on the chest of the blond officer, but before I could yell, a blast went off, and the officer crumpled to the ground. I cried out as the second officer dove behind another squad car, firing shots in the direction of the crazed murderer. The squad car became a pincushion for bullets as they riddled the metal.
Camilla Robbins lives a quiet life in a cozy neighborhood with her husband and four-month-old baby. The last thing she ever expects is to become a witness to a double homicide while out hiking on a beautiful autumn day. Suddenly, her life and the lives of her family are turned upside down as the killer finds out who she is and where she lives. Camilla is forced to flee, and with the help of a law enforcement officer Blake Townsend, they try to piece together why the two hikers were murdered, who the killer is, and most importantly, what his next moves will be. Camilla and Blake become the mice in a deadly game of cat and mouse, and they find out just how insanely resourceful and dangerous one man can be.