Our Life Beyond MKUltra: Then and Now is the deepest and most detailed book yet written on the experience of, and recovery from, the MKUltra program. Elisa E's bravery in deprogramming her personality, fragmented from childhood by abusive controllers into 'alters'--task-oriented hidden personalities brought to the surface for a specific job--allows her to come to terms with on-going arising buried memories from various sources within, so she can regain her soul. Elisa recovers from unimaginable darkness through solitary interior work, and the beneficence of the divine. This is a thoroughly spiritual book staring down what is most evil in our society. This new publication of Our Life Beyond MKUltra combines earlier versions, initially in two books, reedited with much more updated material, and presents in color the collages that were integral to Elisa's deprogramming.