1. Introduction: Oral History Education for 21st Century Schooling
I. Conceptual and Theoretical Approaches
2. Oral History as Peace Pedagogy
3. Pedagogical Approaches to Oral History in Schools
4. Historical Thinking, Oral History, and Reconciliation Education
5. When Oral History Calls on You: Stories from Nunavut
6. Feminist Pedagogies and Histories of Choice: Using Student-Led Oral Histories to Engage Reproductive Rights
7. STEM Histories: Complicating Dominant (Object-Oriented) Narratives
II. Methodological and Pedagogical Dilemmas
8. tory
9. Where Macro and Micro Histories Meet: Position, Trumps, and Pitfalls of Family History as a Form of Oral History in Flemish Education
10. Ethical Complexities for History Teachers: Accredited Oral History Training in Australia11. Re-Visioning Self-Determination: Planning for Culturally Sustaining/Revitalizing Oral Histories with Indigenous Communities
12. Remembrance as a Digitally Mediated Practice of Pedagogy
III. Programs and Practices
13. Inspiring Pedagogy: Talking to Educators about Oral History in the Classroom
14. Collecting Family Oral Histories in an Elementary Classroom: Shaping Stories as they Shape Us
15. Developing Student Teachers' Historical Thinking: Oral History in Teacher Education
16. Oral History Pedagogy in Situations of Conflict: Experiences from Colombia, 1996-2014
17. Learning with and from Rwandan Survivor-Historians: Testimonial Oral History as Relationship Building in School
18. Learning with Digital Testimonies in Germany: Educational Material on Nazi Forced Labor and the Holocaust