The Oracle novella deals with the test of a new mental illness drug which in reality is an ESP drug being put forward by the doctors of the covert intelligence community. Young James McGregor has to steal enough of the drug and get it to the underground and into production so the folks at CIA and the dummy front called Bryce Pharmaceuticals don't take over the world and turn it into a place where only the government can read minds.
One of the best qualities about using Oracle as the basis for a film is it is science fiction without being spacesuits and blaster pistols. It is a typical University Hospital and a typical coffee shop. A typical suburban home in an upscale neighborhood. The cast includes no wookies or androids. Some psychedelic photography and a good band in a large music bar are all you need to compete with films like Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. You don't have to go to outer space to find good Sci-Fi.