What comes to mind when we think of the Old West? Often, our conceptions are accompanied by as much mythology and mystique as fact or truth. What are the differences in how the Canadian and American Wests are perceived? Did they develop differently or are they just perceived differently? How do our conceptions influence our perceptions?
This reader explores the problems, importance, and results of comparing the Canadian and American Wests, critically examining how we conceptualize the history and development of the West and how that influences our perceptions. This volume provides an excellent introduction to this burgeoning area of study as it endeavours to engage the imaginations of those who are new to the subject.
With Contributions By: C.L. Higham, Elliott West, Donald Worster, Gerald Friesen, Beth LaDow, Michel Hogue, Sheila McManus, Molly P. Rozum, and Peter S. Morris
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