The mouth in art: adventures in the sensuous, the abject and the anatomical, from Hieronymus Bosch to Sarah Lucas
Mouth, lips, tongue and teeth; eating, swallowing, spitting, kissing: the oral cavity is an endlessly suggestive and inspiring bodily locus. Pursuing the wide-ranging path of this motif's history, the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg presents the first comprehensive show on the topic of the mouth. The companion publication features essays that extend far beyond the exhibition, spanning film history, ethnology, literary theory and architecture.
Artists include: Marina Abramovic & Ulay, Vito Acconci, Nobuyoshi Araki, Arman, Francis Bacon, Dirck Barendsz, Lenora de Barros, Franz von Bayros, Dirk Bell, Antonio Bellucci, Johannes Bendzulla, Bernhard Johannes Blume, Louis-L opold Boilly, Louise Bourgeois, Adriaen Brouwer, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Jan Brueghel the Elder, Lodovico Ottavio Burnacini, Luca Cambiaso, Caravaggio, Javier Castro and Luis G rciga, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Francesco Clemente, Otto Coester, Joos van Craesbeeck, Tony Cragg, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Walter Crane, Martin Creed, John Currin, Natalie Czech, Salvador Dal and Edward James, Thomas Demand and many more.