She was ready to swing by the neck till the God of Death came to take her. Yet, her saviour was not the man who promised to come back for her, but rather a tyrant queen. Rhea, forced to swap one noose of rope for a different kind of leash, must stand beside the one woman who both saved her and it set on destroying her.
That is until the queen's son goes missing, lost at sea and last seen in the hands of the infamous pirate Kaiden Blackblood - the very same man who promised to come back for Rhea two years ago.
When Kaiden and his crew are found washed up and without the prince, the queen issues one order.
Find her son and be offered freedom as a reward.Rhea must set aside her hatred for the one man she was foolish enough to fall in love with, and sail alongside him to find the missing prince - even if it means sailing into different realms that should only exist in nightmares.