A megalithic city unchanged by the passage of time, a family that admires its architectural beauty while observing it, the father of this family teaching how great it should have been to be a Mexica warrior to his children.
In a galaxy that is on the edge of the observable universe, an Ometeotl warrior meditates on the enormous responsibility of possessing the power of the teotl's creative verb.
Four nemachtiani who were sent to train said warrior to face a power so nefarious and powerful that it can alter the divine body of god.
The warrior of Ometeotl must know the origin of darkness and light, master both, perfect himself in the path of the wisdom of the past to face the unknown without the slightest doubt of using the violent power of the teotl.
The Xiuhamatl codices, no one knows who created them, but therein lies a knowledge that so far only Quetzalc atl and Tezcatlipoca have managed to both read and understand, ...