OLIVIA Y LOS MONOS is based on the true story of the Mishahuall monkeys. Mishahuall is a small village in the Ecuadorian Amazon where humans and monkeys share their home.
SUMMARY Olivia is a very curious 16-year-old girl who likes to travel and who loves animals. She travels with her parents to Misahuall . She is fascinated with the group of wild monkeys that live in the town. The monkeys approach and interact with tourists and the town's people. In OLIVIA Y LOS MONOS one after another amusing situation occurs with the monkeys. The story is told from Olivia's point of view. Ecuadorian Ver nica Moscoso, the author of this novella, visited Misahuall to make a documentary. There she met the famous monkeys. This book is based on events that she witnessed and filmed and on stories that the town's people told her.
OLIVIA Y LOS MONOS is an easy low-level Spanish novella for high beginners and low intermediate. It is almost entirely in the present tense with a smattering of past tense and no subjunctive. With about 270 unique words and plenty of repetition, it tells a 2,600-word story. A full glossary for each of the seven chapters is included plus illustrations for each chapter.
We recommend to watch the FREE 7-minute video that complements this book. You'll be able to witness the actual monkeys in action: https: //youtu.be/SDaUk7ie2o8