An artist wakes up from his dreamy world to find himself lost in a dungeon like chamber, just to be pulled away into another reality. The only answers available are in the cryptic clues left by the previous occupant, a dead man.
One night, a woman living in an Opera House in St. Louis finishes violin practice, someone starts clapping from the back row. However, she's supposed to be alone. Her gloomy family history will unfold a world of darkness and desire.
Then, the scene changes to a savage gothic graveyard where a mysterious angel wonders next to the tomb of a fallen King.
The Leader of a cult raises the dead from an ancient settlement at Cahokia Mounds.
Look around the murky waters of this gloomy dark tale of terror thats filled with occult themes and violence of course.
Obscure Reflections at Dawn
is a fantastically grim mirror of our own reality, asking each one of us the question; what do I believe in?
The strangest of all, is that it's all real.
How far will you go for what you believe in?
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