This new edition of Notes from the Field: A Diary of Journeys Near and Far is the opening volume in a trilogy of travels close to home and around the world.
From a toddler in a storm-tossed Cessna to a sexagenarian on the Appalachian Trail, Kirk Ward Robinson was struck by wanderlust early on, abetted by an accidental career that kept him on the move for the better part of two decades, always observant along the way for those moments beyond the common.
Through a memory for fine detail and a penchant for recording his journeys on paper, the Notes from the Field series documents a life in motion, from city blocks to sandstone canyons, from mountain tops to miles at sea, often pushing the limits of mind and body in an obsession to go and see and do in a race against time and mortality, all faithfully recounted in vignettes that are sometimes poignant, sometimes hilarious, but always informative, from his earliest memories to the sobering present, where time is advancing more quickly than his journeys to come.
See also Volumes II and III of the series:
More Notes from the Field: Southbound on the Appalachian Trail and Other Journeys
Final Notes from the Field: Northbound on the Appalachian Trail
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