Four blind dates in five days. I can't believe I agreed to this.
Actually, I can. That's what I do. I agree to things I don't want to do to make other people happy. In this case, my four best friends. They're worried about me and if going on a few dates will make them happy, then I'll do it. How bad could they be?
I probably shouldn't have asked that.
I'm starting to seriously wonder if my friends know me at all. Each pick is worse than the last, and none of them compare to my former fianc?. But then I guess maybe that's the point. Someone new to help me forget the old.
To help me move on.
Except I don't need a man to prove that I've moved on. Why can't my friends understand that? And why does the same beautiful stranger keep saving me from these awful encounters? The universe seems to be throwing him into my path, and the more time I spend with him the more I wish that he was one of the dates.
There's one more date left and I can't help but wonder if he'll pop up again. How many chance encounters can two people have? Pittsburgh is a big city so the chances are slim.
But what if...?
Not You Again tells the story of a woman stuck in the past, and how meeting a series of Mr. Wrongs, plus one Mr. Right, sets her on a new path. One of healing, forgiveness, and new beginnings.