Not Today, God is a heartwarming story of a mother's cry for just one more day with her son Bobby. This book is about death and grief, but it also shows comfort in a new beginning, a celebration of life eternal.
Author Mary Frances Hinson, a nurse by profession, discovered her world turned upside down when her son developed acute leukemia at the age of twenty-two. She saw pain as it has never been seen before. Her story is told with honesty, courage, and compassion. It offers therapy and hope for others who grieve alone during a crisis. It tells of the love for another human being and for God.
You may cry while you read this book; you may cringe and ache--but do not be afraid to read it. There is not a soul among us who would not benefit from its encouragement. This story of triumph over death and grief, over fear of the unknown, and over everlasting pain will live on in the hearts of the readers.
Not Today, God is a gift to all of us from "Fran" Hinson and her beloved son Bobby.