Here are just a few of the surnames that are included in this volume: -
Abram, Barraclough, Bunfield, Callaby, Craske, Dolman, Dunger, Eagling, Emms, Fisher, Forby, Gathercole, Gostling, Hagan, Hipkin, Jarred, Kew, Legge, Lusha, Marler, Munnings, Neale, Olley, Pease, Purple, Roades, Royale, Sainty, Sparkes, Thing, Twite, Whaites, Whithers and many, many more.....
There are around 900 gravestone inscriptions yet again in this volume making this a well packed edition. The time taken to record these lovely old memorials seemed endless due to the weathering of the stonework making them very hard to read. Another reason for the struggle was that some of the epitaphs have lichens and moss growth which I never attempt to remove for fear of damaging the stonework and spoiling the ecology of that area. In many of the churchyards that I've visited there were trees that overhang these monuments causing an increasing amount of dampness on the gravestones thus causing erosion which makes this task even harder to perform.
I have tried extremely hard to transcribe these records as accurately as possible, however I must apologise for any errors that may be found. The book is issued in the hope that it will at least archive many of these gravestones (tombstones, memorials or epitaphs) to enable others to read in years to come. They may be of assistance in helping people to build a family tree, a link to their own genealogy.
The list consists mainly of inscriptions that are pre 1900's but there may be an odd few that go beyond this. As you can imagine, the work of transcribing these has taken me many, many hours and also lots of sleepless nights in order to preserve what's left of these wonderful pieces of social history. I do hope that you'll perhaps find some of your own families here in this book, a resource for your ancestry in Norfolk.
I also have a website where you are able to see the various churches that have already been transcribed. There's also a link within my books that will take you there. I do keep digital photographic copies of the gravestones that have been recorded and these can be ordered for a small fee by quoting a specific code number within the book. Please state the particular transcription of your ancestor that you're interested in. If you require more information please go to my Feedback Page on the website listed within the book and send me a quick line