The fifth part of Fairy Tales from Distant Stars series, "Matarika Stories," reveals the secrets of the ancient, colorful, and long-haired Noble Cows, which for many years have been wandering the corners of the universe to help restore calm to chaotic energies.
This fable tells how these miraculous beings find themselves on the planet Matarika after a catastrophe in its early history. The Noble Cows' teamwork, dedication, and unique traits allow them to help Matarika reach a new balance.
This book and the series overall are great for both the youngest readers, from about 6 years old, and the older ones too.
Perfect bedtime reading for parents and children.
I invite you to purchase and read the book.
And thank you from the bottom of my heart
Already published in the series "Fairy Tales from Distant Stars - Matarika Stories"
1 / The Girl Who Saved the Planet
2 / Great Mother
3 / A Tree Full of Wonders
4 / Amazing Dragonflies
Summary for all parts of Matarika Stories
All five parts of "Matarika Stories" show us the eventful history of the planet Matarika, a peaceful place that is home to a tree full of wonders, large dragonflies, colorful cows, and an idyllic life for the inhabitants. Here, all creatures care for one another and co-exist in harmony with their environment.
But this was not always the case. Throughout the centuries of its existence, Matarika has experienced catastrophes in which the planet itself and all living beings have suffered greatly.
The miracle, however, is that Matarika has always been supported by the infinite wisdom, love, and harmony that predominate and rule the universe.
By reading "Matarika Stories," we too can learn that nature always strives to achieve universal balance and that we are all part of it, being inextricably linked with it. Therefore, we can be sure that the universe will always support us and care for our peace, prosperity, and overall harmony.
Thank you very much for your interest in the books and for reading them