A tourist trek in 1999, and approximately 30 subsequent visits, inspired the author to write No Moutain Too High: Village Development in Nepal. Set over a 20-year period in the hilly region northwest of Kathmandu, the book tells the very personal story of the Tamang people living in the remote village of Tawal. It gives them a voice in a development partnership that helped them triumph over a long history of political neglect and social discrimination, a 10-year civil war and a devastating earthquake. It is also an Australian couples' personal story as volunteers with the Nepal Australia Friendship Association: the highs and lows, success factors and challenges in adopting a community and market-system approach to the development partnership.
If you are a curious traveller, community-development practitioner, have an interest in Nepal, remote village life or the experiences of communities recovering from disaster, No Mountain Too High will entertain, educate and inspire readers.