When young Irish/American climber, Liam Doyle, sets out to locate the body of his father, high in the death zone of the "savage mountain" K2, he is confronted by a series of inexplicable events.
Deeply troubled, he enlists the help of two friends, an ex-special forces buddy and a Washington editor. Gradually and circuitously they become aware of a globally influential group of scientists and billionaires, set on a course that has the potential to wreak atmospheric havoc on a planetary scale.
Against the background of a critical US election race, escalating violence throughout Asia and hostility from much of the world's media, they must risk their lives to expose the activities of this corrupt cartel.No Killing Sky is the ultimate global thriller for our times--12 countries, from the Himalayas to the Arctic, Washington to Kazakhstan--and a race against time to prevent a catastrophe that could soon claim the lives of more than a billion people.
Rory McCourt's background is in graphic design, advertising and film production. He co-wrote, with Boyd Anderson, the novel Children of the Dust under the name Anderson McCourt. Most of his career was spent in Sydney but he now lives in Queensland's Whitsunday region where, apart from writing, he works with local groups on environmental issues.