"Michael," yells, his mom, "brush your teeth and go to bed, you have school tomorrow." "Yes, Mam" said Michael, he brushes his teeth and runs a comb though his hair, then he runs to his bed dodging the toys in the floor of his bedroom. He leaps to his bed and crawls under his covers, he punches his pillow down and then curls up on his side. Michael is eight years old, a normal boy with a big imagination. Michael has an older sister named Paula, she is twelve, almost a teenager who thinks she already is. When Michael was a toddler and had just started talking, he had a speech impediment, he spoke a language that no one understood, other than Paula his sister. Everyone one would ask Paula what he was saying, she would translate for the family. Once Michael started pre-school his speech started getting better, now he is fine, and has no problem saying what he thinks. Sometime to the point of getting himself in trouble with his teachers and his parents. Paula still tries to talk for Michael at times, this makes him very angry, but it just a habit for her, she did it for some long it's hard for her to stop. For the most part they got along, but they are brother and sister, some fighting can be expected. Michael closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, thinking about the fun he may have the next day.