This collection of new essays by an international group of scholars closely examines the works of Aristotle's Organon.
The Organon is the general title given to the collection of Aristotle's logical works: Categories, De Interpretatione, Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics, Topics, and Sophistical Refutations. This extremely influential collection gave Aristotle the reputation of being the founder of logic and has helped shaped the development of logic for over two millennia. The chapters in this volume cover topics pertaining to each of the six works traditionally included in the Organon as well as its manuscript tradition. In addition, a comprehensive introduction by the editors discusses Aristotle and logic, the composition and order of the Organon, and the authenticity, title, and chronology of the treatises that make up these works. As an appendix, the volume includes a new critical edition of the Greek text of Book 8 of the Topics.
New Essays on Aristotle's Organon offers a valuable insight into this collection for students and scholars working on Aristotle, the works of the Organon, or the philosophy of logic more broadly.
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