"As attractive as it is clever." -- Booklist Tiny Too-Little loves someone who's very, very tall, and Tiny wants a kiss. What if he stands on his tiptoes on top of a thimble? What if he stands on his tiptoes on top of a matchbox on top of a thimble? Clever cut-away pages show Tiny's precarious pile growing higher and higher as this comical, cumulative tale of a mouse in search of a kiss shows that you're never too little (or too big) to love.
Love It! I saw the book in Target around Valentine's Day but it was in bad shape, so I ordered it online. Very beautiful and tender tale about the love. Actually I bought it not for my son (who enjoyed it) but for my hubby who is the Giraffe and me.. that tiny mouse :)
Great book for Valentine's Day
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 16 years ago
I am a speech-language pathologist and am always looking for books that build upon themselves and have repeated lines. This one is a perfect addition to my collection of Valentine's Day theme books.
Fantastic, wonderful - great book
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 18 years ago
This is a very sweet, simple book that my daughter begs for every night. When she was very little it was easy to rush the build-up of the story a bit, and, now that she is a little older, she anticipates every word, and screams with joy when the surprise happens, which she has to kiss, everytime. We have already worn out one copy and are working our way through the second copy now.
Absolutely Wonderful
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 19 years ago
This was a Valentine's Day gift for my daughter who is 3. It has since become a permanent part of our bedtime routine. My daughter adores this book so much that we take turns reading it aloud, and she can't read yet! She memorized the words. The illustrations are darling and the sentiment is sweet. The semi- 3D construction makes the book very unique. Needless to say, it is the #1 book in our library.
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