Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant.
MISS ANNE ELLIOT COULD NOT HAVE FORESEEN the happiness she would find as the wife of Captain Frederick Wentworth but neither could she have envisioned the life he led when they were separated for eight heartbreaking years. Now years into her married life, Anne Wentworth finds a cache of letters written, but never sent, to her by the then-heartbroken Navy captain.
AMID PERIL ON THE SEA, Captain Wentworth faced heart-wrenching loneliness throughout their years apart. Anne reads the letters to gain a deeper appreciation of the constant and ardent love her husband possessed and still possesses for her, and learns far more about the true character of her old, persuasive friend Lady Russell.
This sequel to Jane Austen's Persuasion journeys into the years after Frederick Wentworth made his second and final proposal to his beloved Anne Elliott.