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Easy-To-Implement Nature Study Lessons
Designed for homeschoolers, co-op groups, and traditional classes, each activity helps students observe and discover for themselves through a firsthand experience with nature. With scientific information, diagrams, and journaling prompts, this book inspires a love for nature and makes teaching it accessible to all educators.
This book covers everything you need to know about nature study
Nature study is a full process of experiencing, observing, connecting, and recording. The first two chapters cover what nature study is and how to do it.
This book also has:
A step-by-step guide to planning your lessonsInstructions for setting up your nature journalsHelpful strategies that encourage thorough nature journalingExample nature journal entries by childrenIdeas for using this book as a group, a class, and a familyInspiring quotes about nature studyAnd includes 174 nature study lessons
At one lesson per week, there are 4 1/2 school years of content to fuel your nature study explorations. Many lessons can be repeated in different seasons and locations as well.
Each lesson is a hands-on object lesson where your kids make a firsthand connection with nature. Lessons are organized by nature study topic, making it easy to plan a full semester on the same subject.
Elementary and middle school students are the target ages as their studies focus on the physical, observable sciences. However, older students and parents will also benefit from them. The lessons were written with the contiguous U.S. in view, but the majority are open-ended enough for any region worldwide.
Each lesson includes:
A high-level introduction to the nature topicSuggested read-alouds, websites, and field guidesInstructions for a specific mission to accomplish while exploringGuidance for nature journal entriesScientific information, charts, diagrams, and prompting questions are provided when needed