National Fidelity is classified by it's principal author as poetry and evidence that there is more to life than politics, more to justice than popular opinions, more to culture than stereotypes, and more to Western history than names, dates, and blame.
National Fidelty utilizes ancient historical events for its fictional storyline in order to open discussions about modern society, dystopias, and some often-overlooked basic understandings concerning Western jurisprudence.
With poetry, a parable, and essays written with care toward young adult readers and others whom may not be familiar with the West, the author's position National Fidelity where the Western world is positioned: in the middle of the timeless battle between superstition and rationalism: the rugged intellectual soil from which the romantic roots of classical liberalism sprang.
National Fidelity offers new insights into traditional topics and current issues, yet the book never strays far from the ever-present British insight that allows us to know that when we Britons cannot out argue our foes, we will outlast them.