A story of Nina and her group of friends.. who had an overnight stay in an abandoned motel where some challenges were waiting for them... With many hurdles and a chain of betrayals... Read the story to know more about their hauntings, love, jealousy, and mystery behind the abandoned motel. Will Nina's love for Noah succeed? Will they get stuck in the motel forever? the story behind the horrors of the motel? Will the horrors follow everyone
Swirl into their journey of horror, mystery, and curiosity..
Nina a sweet kind and nerdy girl. Then we have Noah a jock, basketball player, and an absolute hottie with every girl swooning over him, including our sweet Nina. Will Nina and Noah's love succeed? Or like always will there be a but
Yes, you're right
There is always a "but" in love and relationships with loads of drama. But in their relationship it's not a girl or guy interference but it's the paranormal activities.
Nina's school takes everyone on a one-day trip camping. To the place where the rumors were not as quiet as the still night but furious like a thunderstorm, the rumors of the mysterious motel ''THE CECILIA HORTHWAY''.