I haven't always been spiritual or a religious-type person. To be honest, I didn't believe in God or any higher power for a very long time. My family always went to church, especially my aunts and my grandmother (my mother's side), and they would take us with them from time to time. Life has a way of showing you things, letting you experience stuff that makes you question people and learn whether there really is a higher being that is supposed to care and watch over us, guide us.
I've been through so much, bad and good. The bad, at times, was really bad, but somehow I made it through, though I really didn't understand how. Knowing what I know now, I understand it was all through the grace and mercy of God. I was being put through tests and didn't even realize it. Those tests and lessons have brought me here so I can share my story with you. Hopefully, my story will inspire you. What has been your Test(Imony)?