Praise for My Name is Isis
"A conversation between the great mother goddess of Egypt and the children of the world, My Name is Isis is a simple, gentle introduction to a powerful, influential goddess. I am so glad that our children can be introduced to international goddess wisdom through age-appropriate, beautifully illustrated books like this one. My Name is Isis covers core aspects of her story with straightforward language and thoughtful, personal questions as well as an acknowledgement of the appropriation of her name. It also extends gracefully into a panentheistic overview of goddess-oriented cosmology. May She of 10,000 Names enfold your family in her protective wings." -Molly Remer, MSW, M.Div, D.Min, author of Womanrunes and Earthprayer
"Some years ago, my daughter turned to me and said. 'there are no strong role-models for girls on television.' I was heart-stricken. The Girl God's books for children are correcting this tragic truth, and Susan Morgaine's My Name is Isis is a wonderful new addition to this series. Susan deftly picks out key qualities of the Goddess, and reveals her as a heart-warming and motherly friend far removed from the "bullies" who have misappropriated her name. Perhaps most importantly, she gently guides her readers to find these same divine qualities in themselves. This is powerfully reinforced by Arna Baartz's vibrantly beautiful illustrations of the Goddess as woman and girl: the most direct message of the divine given to humanity." -P.D. Mackenzie Cook, author of Epona: Hidden Goddess of the Celts
"Insightful and Breathtaking as Goddess ISIS comes alive through story and illustration. I imagine my young great-nieces and my Goddess-Daughter reading this book over and over as they explore who they are as Divine Creations. I can imagine them embracing Susan's words: 'You can open your arms wide, like my wings, and pretend that you are holding and protecting them and even protecting the world ' Magical and Powerful Well Done Susan Morgaine and Arna Baartz " -Angelique Autumn McGowan, author of A Cauldron Full of Tails and Such (under the name Debra Sunshine Hillman)