- Keep your child/children engaged
- Expose them to a missing learning experience
- Awaken their interest in the world around them
- Develop a love for reading
- Increase creativity
- Improve critical thinking skills
- Help children for whom English is a second language
This book "My Interactive Book of Poems" is the answer. It will satisfy all the above and it is affordable. It may be used in schools or at home.
- Very often children may spend only a few minutes at an activity and lose interest. This can be frustrating to parents. They'll voice the age-old complaint, "I'm bored". With this book, children will look forward to resuming or tackling a new project, usually without prompting, coaxing or bribing.
- After teaching children of all ages and abilities for many years, I have become a proponent of teaching poetry at every level in schools. For me, poetry became a teaching tool, a way of adding fun, excitement and even sobriety to a lesson in any subject. Teachers can use poetry to inject interest, cooperation and sometimes a little light-heartedness to even the most difficult group, whether the subject is music, language arts, science and even math.
- Children can be awakened to view the world around them from their vision and see and feel the beauty of even a raindrop or a snowflake. We and our children have the poetic license to see, feel and touch the deeper things of life, to enjoy our Earth with our neighbors.
- As we expose our children to poetry, they become more aware of themselves and others and realize that words are important to help them communicate. They may not realize it then but they are being propelled to do more for themselves, be better readers and strengthen their ability to communicate. I have heard parents say "I don't have a creative bone in me and I don't think my child has either". What a burden to place on them?- limitation- that will remain with him/her for life. That is far from the truth. We are all creative, but we have placed limitations on our creativity. Poetry breaks that spell and sets us free to be who we truly are.
Poetry creates critical thinking in the classroom. Through analysis of available facts, evidence, observation and arguments, children are able to form a judgment. I'll use this original poem which I have written to explain the point.
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