A Self-Guided journal designed to reflect on your past by writing your life as chapters. This journal comforts those through art to be able to connect with their inner child, or that inner voice that may have been silenced from traumatic events.
"There are many guided journals that have questions that you must directly answer on each page. These questions, though useful, do not encourage you the writer to let your mind wander. They were derived from a narrative that was not your own. This journal is a dedicated space where you can freely share your story and reflect on your experiences-all of the good, bad, and everything in between. At the end of the day, we know when we're ready to begin our healing process. I hope this journal can help you start that journey. You deserve happiness. You deserve to be free from what has held you back."
"This Journal Is Your Safe Space Refrain from passing judgment on yourself, and avoid criticizing the choices you've made in your life. Instead, think of them with empathy and compassion. Consider what you learned from the experience and how it influenced you. The more you let go, the easier it will be to discover what's buried deep inside your subconscious mind. When you revisit what caused you pain, anxiety can arise. It's important to remember that when your body is used to dealing with trauma, it's normal to feel abnormal. Grief, rage, doubt, and other negative emotions became familiar to your body. It's strange for your body and mind to let go and recover from traumatic experiences that you've been unconsciously holding on to for so long. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take frequent breaks and go slowly."