MY WAY OF ST JAMES: Notebook and Journal for preparation and as a diary on the pilgrimage route
Thanks to its low weight, this notebook is ideal for taking with you on your pilgrimage on the Way of St. James, and as unlike bound books, it hardly puts any strain on your luggage.
All pages are numbered and it contains a personal index for quick retrieval of one's own entries. This means that thenotebook can already be used during planning and preparation. You will also find a template for appointments, checklists, e.g. for your packing list and equipment, as well as templates for planning, e.g. for accommodation, costs, routes, etc.
For every day on the Camino you have space to quickly enter the date and location, weather and your personal mood. Each day has 4 pages (dot grid) for notes, sketches and diary entries.
At the end you will find 4 blank pages, which you can use maybe for additional stamps or small souvenirs.
Here again the content at a glance:
Numbered pages with your own table of contentsSize 6" x 9" (15.24 cm x 22.86 cm ... approx. DIN A5)Light softcover (glossy)140 PAGES (70 SHEETS), of which: ... 4 Checklists (e.g. for packing lists, preparations)... 2 pages for scheduling... 4 Templates for further planning (accommodation, routes, costs, luggage transport, etc.)... 4 Pages per day on the Camino (total 30 days) in dot grid... 4 Blank pages (for stamps, sketches, small souvenirs, etc.)Whether you walk the Pilgrim's Way to Santiago yourself or use the notebook as a gift for a good friend: With this notebook the entire pilgrimage can be recorded, from preparation and planning to noting down all impressions and thoughts on the Camino ... to receive a wonderful souvenir.
Buen camino
ATTENTION: This notebook contains no instructions for the Way of St. James, no ready-made packing lists, no route descriptions and no hostel directories.