You will laugh and cry about Jojo's experience with her new best friend, Wormy. Jojo did not have friends to play with during recess at school. Then Wormy showed up and they became friends. They had the best week, but the week was about to end. Explore with Jojo her journey in understanding that friends come into our lives when we least expect it.
This book is based on a true story. Janissa, my daughter in K4 at the time, came back home one day talking about her friend Wormy. I asked her who Wormy was, and she responded that he was a worm. I thought she was talking about a story her teacher had shared with the class. Janissa spoke about Wormy every day that week. Finally, on Friday, when I went to pick her up from school, she wanted to bring Wormy home. That's when I realized that Wormy was a real worm. That day my beautiful Janissa learned about the meaning of family and friends.