Two disciples are wreaking havoc among the disciples in an attempt to overthrow the leader. At one time Azril had thought of these two as loyal followers, but ever since his injury, they have tried to turn the disciples against him. The shunning ceremony has been placed on hold, so Azril has been filling the isolation chambers with disciples who have been trying to warn him about what is to come.
Once he realizes that he is isolating the wrong disciples, he sets everyone free and sets his sights on reinstating the shunning of disciples. Azril decides it's time to begin recruiting outsiders again. That is a choice he will soon regret.
Beatrice and Danny try to create a mutiny with the disciples when tragedy strikes. All those living in the City of Disciples decide to take the matter into their own hands. Azril takes a vote to bring back the shunning ceremony. An overwhelming majority agree and the disciples take the situation into their own hands. Find out in Disbanding of Disciples what happens with the leader, his family and the rest living in the City of Disciples.