With Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahiri, V.S. Naipaul and Kiran Desai winning prestigious awards for their literary output, Indian English literature has gained a voice of its own. Yet, as most readers of criticism of it agree, there is a dearth of serious examination of its authors and their work.
This collection of essays attempts a contrapuntal reading of Indian English literature with what Ranjan Ghosh calls the "infusionist" approach. Since a majority of readers are made to stay away from a branded author or work, this book rejects any categorization such as "postcolonial" or "Commonwealth." It deals with a wide range of issues--which human beings suffer from all over the world--including those that may not have anything to do with the politicized side of "the postcolonial" or "the Commonwealth."