Cuando comenz la Segunda Guerra Mundial, muchos pa ses no permit an que hubiera mujeres pilotos en el ej rcito. Sin embargo, a medida que avanzaba la guerra, estos pa ses comenzaron a enfrentar una escasez de pilotos. Gran Breta a, Estados Unidos y la Uni n Sovi tica comenzaron a reclutar mujeres pilotos para apoyar el esfuerzo b lico.
Estas mujeres pilotos volaron cientos de aviones militares. A menudo se arriesgaban para servir a sus pa ses. Sin embargo, sus pa ses no siempre reconocieron su trabajo. Aprende sobre las mujeres que surcaron los cielos para servir a sus pa ses a trav s de historias de entrenamiento, misiones y la lucha por el reconocimiento.
When World War II began, many countries did not allow women pilots to be in the military. But as the war went on, these countries began to face a shortage of pilots. Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union all began recruiting women pilots to support the war effort.
These women pilots flew hundreds of military planes. They often put themselves in danger to serve their countries. However, their countries did not always recognize their work. Through stories of training, missions, and the fight for recognition, learn more about the women who took to the skies to serve their countries.
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