Las mujeres siempre han sido una parte importante del jazz, aunque a menudo sus logros no han tenido el mismo reconocimiento que el de sus colegas masculinos. Ellas, han contribuido enormemente en todos los estilos y en todas las pocas de la historia del jazz. Igualmente ha ocurrido y sigue ocurriendo en la Rep blica Dominicana, raz n por esta obra: ]Mujeres en el jazz ...en Dominicana] Libro que abre una ventana a las mujeres que han sido, son y ser n parte de la escena del jazz en el pa s
Women have always been an important part of jazz, although their achievements have often not received the same recognition as that of their male colleagues. They, have contributed enormously in all styles and in all eras of jazz history. The same has happened and continues to happen in the Dominican Republic, reason for this title: ]Women in Jazz... in the Dominican Republic]. Book which looks into the women that have been, are and will be a part of the jazz scene in the country