Move or Die can be described as your specialized treasure chest. In it, you are going to find unexpected glimpses of God, as He will be speaking to you throughout this journey. You will also find tailored blueprints and life-maps; stories of romance, love, and heartbreak; ways to determine if your relationship is real love, toxic attachment, or a set-up for your demise; words of wisdom on finding love and purpose; hands-on challenges; steps to determine your calling; practical resources; and mirrors to see inside your soul. You are going to see yourself clearly, and you will understand exactly why you were drawn to read Move or Die. Because, YES God Is Whispering Loud and Clear, and He's speaking directly to you.
If you are still reading, it's because you have been appointed for this journey. Decide now to MOVE out of your emotional pit. It's time for you to ENTER a new season.
In this powerful, transparent, spiritually-inspired book, Rae Monique, author, life coach, and relationship strategist provides you with the tools, and the step-by-step process to listen to that still, small voice within, the voice of God. You have something special, and this book is designed to allow you to discover that. Choose ye this day to move and live
-LES BROWN Motivational Speaker,
Trainer, Coach, and Author of
It's Not Over Until You Win and Live Your Dreams
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