Historical novel. This book is based on accurate and true events and real historical figures.
Morlach is a historical novel whose events are set in northern Dalmatia in the 17th century. At that time, north Dalmatia was a sphere of interest and three-way between the three great powers of that time; Turkey, Venice, and Austria.
The book is full of colorful characters embedded in turbulent historical moments and interesting and exciting events, which are forced to move constantly and actions full of uncertainty. Make-believe or real mysteries, which the actors occasionally wrapped, impose their questions about the reality in which we live. The characters' psychological profiles, actions, reactions, and general behavior reveal the human weakness that should work.
This novel from the reader requires a journey through the book's interior, through the events described in the interior. What was expected to be found there let her remain a personal secret. The intention is that each person starts internal wind, at least one good 'Bura, ' and to dispel the dirty fog that hung over from a good depopulated valley of our mind.