The benefits of this team building book (card game) include:
Easy to understand team building game that can be easily implemented at your next meeting.Fast paced and inclusive team building game that encourages a safe way for everyone to participate.Easy gamification with the roll of a dice.Tested team building games from an expert in the field.Professionally designed team building game that includes step-by-step instructions.The Print version can be "flipped through" like a card deck - and it fits in your backpack or briefcase so you have it everywhere you goWhat is this? 20 Questions - More Team Building Edition is a great team builder that drives home a specific learning outcome (i.e. Leadership, Customer Service, etc.) This is the More Team Building Edition because our customers loved the first version so much they wanted new questions -- so here it is It can be done both in a remote team work environment or with your tribe live and in person. This event is great for exploring content specific knowledge about a topic area in a fun and informal way. Great For: Innovative team building and icebreaker event, quick re-energizer that gets people learning in a different way, informal content specific learning, and developing interpersonal relationships with others. Not to mention a great coffee break activity.
The team building author has been an international motivational speaker and team building designer for over 30 years. He is the author of over 25 books, 100's of team building games, and dozens of team building apps. Tyler Hayden is the founder and creative mind behind, which is a one-stop-shop for team building courses and downloadable team building games, icebreakers, and office team building.
His business clients include: TD Bank, Subaru, Honeywell, Michelin, and Pratt-Whitney.
His association clients include: Young Presidents Organization (YPO), Project Management Institute (PMI) and Red Cross.
This quick team building game is a great icebreaker and get-to-know your team activity for adults click BUY NOW - don't wait start building that team you always wanted (and deserve).