Rose is lied to by her mother...
that she was being sent to an uncle in another village so she can go to school. Unknown to her, her mother has collected money from a devious cousin who has traded her into marriage. Rose arrives the uncle's place to discover she is now in a money marriage. The story of Rose is true. But the Money Woman movie has been modified into fiction for a viewing audience. This does not however reduce the effect of this form of menace.
The book, Money Woman, not only consists of the fictional version of Rose's story but true tales from interviews conducted with:
1.Dorathy from Ugbakoko II, sold to a man ten times older than her.
2.Gift who was gambled for N3,500 (approx. $15) by her father.
3.Mercy from Ugbakoko I who was sold to offset her mother's medical bills before she was 4 years old.
4.Vivian a Becheve girl snatched from school and beaten for resisting marriage.
5.Dorathy from Katele who was bought, widowed and willed.
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