Award-Winning Children's Book for 7-11 year-olds with fun chapter headings that will make you smile-at any age.: D
Monet is one of those kids who can't watch the suffering in her inner city neighborhood and do nothing about it. Her best friend, Diamond, loves a good laugh. That's why they balance each other out so well
Packed with purpose, friends of all ages, and a desire to have fun while helping out others, this gem of a book is beloved by all ages.
Monet: a gigantic-hearted eleven-year-old girl living in the inner city who struggles in school, mainly math.
Diamond: Monet's best friend who does fine in school and mostly wants to have fun.
Eden: Monet and Diamond's friend who hates summer because it means babysitting her two younger brothers every day all day long.
Monet's family: a big bunch of close, loving people who sacrifice a summer to help Monet and their neighbors out.
Mrs. Sam: An old lady feared by the neighborhood kids who hides behind her drawn curtains.
Mr. Tom: A lonely old man who sees Monet in action and asks how he can help.
Miss Felicia Swan: A lonely senior woman Monet's mama befriends at the grocery store who floats into Monet's yard with cookies and kindness.
Carl: An adorable, furry Saint Bernard puppy Monet and Diamond rescue that won't have a home unless the girls can talk Monet's parents into letting her keep him.Love and fun are the motivations behind Monet's Fun Camp, but what happens because of Monet's caring heart is like a miracle even she couldn't have dreamt up
11-year-old Monet might have been named after a famous artist, but she doesn't have any skills as far as she can tell unless you count almost always failing math. Her mama tells her she's a people-centered person, and that's the best kind of person there is, but that doesn't help Monet get good grades in school. "Forget about school and have fun " Mama insists on the first day of summer vacation. Monet tries, but while her best friend Diamond can see the fun in a sunburn, all Monet can see is the suffering people in her inner city neighborhood.
Summer isn't looking good for Monet or Diamond until Monet hatches a plan to create a Fun Camp that turns her neighborhood upside down-in a right side up kind of way.
Here's what a couple of my fans have to say:
"I loved this book because Monet always put others before herself. I especially loved how she made a difference in the world by creating one little camp. This book was so good I could read it over and over again." - Tatum age 11, Grade 6
"Monet's Fun Camp is simply brimming with small adventures and colorful characters. I could hardly wait to see what she would get herself into next Though Monet lives in the real, imperfect world of the inner city, her caring and enthusiasm scatter hope and love wherever she goes. Monet will appeal to nearly every child. She is not perfect and has her struggles--but she never gives up trying. I especially loved the fact that Monet embraces friendship with both children and adults. I want to be Mrs. Sam, the story lady The illustrations are bright and sparkling. Monet is a great book for middle readers and a perfect read-to-me book for younger children." - D. Quinney
NOTE: Not everybody is an academic whiz. Not everybody has 1,000 friends on Facebook or a few thousand followers on Instagram. Not everybody is like big-hearted Monet. But EVERYBODY has something unique and special they were meant to do. Find that, and you find contentment and joy. You are special I know you are
Children's Novels by Debra Tracy - available in Paperback and Kindle:
Peridot the Secret Portal
Peridot the Secret Rescue
Monet's Fun Camp
Meet the Tanners - a dog story (Limited amount left paperback only)