The Monarchs are the greatest fighters in the entire galaxy. Their popularity has motivated many to train with hopes of one day being able to claim the glowing crown atop the Monarch's head
For many the thought of besting a Monarch and taking their crown is exhilarating. Some will make it and many others won't, but that is the risk many will take to attain immense power.
THE BACKYARD BRAWL leads to chaos in the Bloks
When Knight Nini gets a call from her headquarters about a possible disturbance, she jumps into action leaving her partner behind. After defeating Jug, Ja'Khari, and Pepper now have to deal with his older and stronger brother, Jar. The unbreakable Jar forces the boys to run for their lives
Will Ja'Khari and Pepper be able to break this unbreakable force, or will Jar avenge his fallen brother? The BACKYARD BRAWL rages on in Monarchs