Modelling and Simulation of Turbulence in Energy Systems provides a detailed review of the use of computational fluids dynamics (CFD) to model turbulent flows in nuclear energy systems. After a thorough and detailed introduction to the relevant theory, the book then illustrates the applications of CFD to better understand nuclear plant performance and safety during normal operations and under accident conditions. Essential topics covered in the section on theory include verification and validation, turbulence modelling using linear eddy viscosity approaches and Reynolds stress modelling. Chapters on applications address light water reactor (LWR) fuels, LWR safety, severe accidents and advanced reactors. With contributions by leading experts, this book will be a valuable reference for researchers and engineers performing CFD analysis to address the engineering challenges of today's nuclear fleet and design advanced reactors and fuels for the future.
Focuses on the all-important area of turbulence, a central concern for CFD analystsCoverage spans fundamentals, state-of-the-art and best practicesOriented towards practical engineering, with discussion of concerns such as validation and model selection, and extensive illustration of applications in nuclear engineering