Miscarriage, Unfair Life is a collection of poems about hope, loss, and resilience in the face of miscarriage. Through vivid imagery and powerful emotion, readers will follow an exploration of personal journeys in grief, pain, and healing. Themes of love, grief, bring readers on a healing journey through each stage of grief. The book is full of poems that capture the devastation of miscarriage and the need to recover. The emotions evoked in these somber pieces evoke deep feelings of sadness, fear, and confusion as to why this happened. The collection reveals the potential for hope and a path of healing. These poems will paint a strong portrait of the power of love to help heal the pain after a miscarriage. As readers move through Miscarriage, Unfair Life they will be inspired to cling to hope and love and to find healing in the face of deep loss. Readers will gain an understanding of the beauty of life after miscarriage as they find the courage to carry on.
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